Who is Blanche?

wendy square
Hi, I’m Wendy.

Years ago, when I was about to be married, I worked as a lowly media clerk in an advertising agency. One of the partners, a worldly enlightened sort of man, asked me if I was going to change my name.

I answered (in front of all the “important” people) that I was considering changing my name to Blanche. Two last names and three (now adult) kids later, I am still searching to find out who I am and how all the aspects of my life work together.

I’m a wife, a mom, a friend, a social media researcher and marketing strategist. I like to bake, read, swim, spin, and eat. Oh, and I love brut IPA and jigsaw puzzles.

I’m an eternal optimist. And pretty darn friendly. If you’re looking for me, you can find me a lot of different ways (and I hope you will).

The Social Studies Group (I’m the managing partner.)
Mobile: 443.414.6367
I’m on LinkedIn – love networking over there.
Here’s my Email Address.
I’m on Facebook
I spend way too much time on Twitter.
Lately, I’ve been hanging out over at Pinterest (posting recipes for Andrew to make!) and I’m mostly over on Instagram.

Data. Swim. Bake. Read. Repeat.

2 thoughts on “Who is Blanche?

  1. Wendy, I was googling something and the picture of Dubble Bubble from your blog brought me to your site. Then I happened to navigate and read a few of the very kind things entries you wrote about my late Zadie (Dave) and the heartfelt things you have written about me. I am so thankful, I admire you so and consider it a privilege to be related to you. Love, Eric

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